
Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Reading journal: Autumn Term, Week 10

This is a smidge late, and there is SO much more I could add to it after the last few days (seeing as the first full draft of my Psycholinguistics assignment is complete, hooray!) But here's the most accurate reflection of week 10:

Directed Readings in Syntax
The master of Slavic linguistics,
so it would seem...
Image of Zeljko Bošković
from linguistlist
  • Bošković, Z. (1998). Wh-phrases and wh-movement in Slavic. Unpublished paper presented at the Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax conference, Spencer IN., 5-7 June 1998. Available at: (accessed 10 December 2011)
  • Bošković, Z. (2001). On the interpretation of multiple questions. Linguistic variation yearbook, 1(1), pp.1-15.
  • Bošković, Z. (2002). On multiple Wh-fronting. Linguistic Inquiry, 33(3), pp.351-383.
  • Cruschina, S. (2009) The syntactic role of discourse-related features. Cambridge occasional papers in linguistics, 5, pp.15-30.
  • Franks, S. (2005). The Slavic languages. In: G. Cinque and R.S. Kayne, eds. The Oxford handbook of comparative syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch. 9. 
  • Stroik, T. S. (2009). Locality in minimalist syntax. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press. 
  • Toman, J. (1981) Aspects of multiple WH-movement in Polish and Czech. In: R. May and J. Koster, eds. Levels of syntactic representation. Dordrecht: Foris. Ch. 10.
Language Acquisition
  • Chomsky, N. (1986). Knowledge of language as a focus of inquiry. In: N. Chomsky (1986). Knowledge of language: its nature, origin and use. New York: Praeger, pp.1-14.
  • Crain, S. and M. Nakayama (1987). Structure dependence in grammar formation. Language, 63, 522-543.
  • Forster, K. and I. Olbrei (1973). Semantic heuristics and syntactic analysis. Cognition, 2(3), pp. 319-347.
  • Nicol, J. and D. Swinney (1989). The role of structure in coreference assignment during sentence comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 18(1), pp. 5-19.
  • Tyler, L. and W.D. Marslen-Wilson (1977). The on-line effects of semantic context on syntactic processing. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior, 16, pp. 683-692.
  • Van Gompel, R. and M. Pickering (2007). Syntactic parsing. In: G. Gaskell, ed. The Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch. 17.
...Guess which assignments I've been working on this week!

P.S. And on a side note - a cracking story from my godfather's old classmate, Peter Trudgill - see the very last paragraph here...


    1. Looks like they are keeping you busy! Well done on finishing your draft - hopefully you will get time to party over Christmas!

    2. That they are! I'll do my best to tear myself away over the weekend :) - also, thanks very much for my Christmas card, I really miss the library too. I'm down in Cambridge the weekend of the 18th February for the Queens' MA ceremony (if Philip hasn't mentioned it already) - would you maybe have time for a catch-up coffee at some point?

      Oh, and have a great Christmas weekend!
