
Thursday, 14 February 2013

A diversion (for One Billion Rising)

I've just been taking a break from my paper on perspective shifting in interrogatives (3,127 words in, approximately 3,000 words of waffle) to pop down to the One Billion Rising event on campus.

Eve Ensler's One Billion Rising campaign is named after the one in three women who have, currently do, or will experience violence against them in some form during their lives. So to keep them in mind, and start to set other people's minds thinking on it, today - Valentine's Day - has been at least in part reappropriated from Hallmark for events to get people talking, thinking, and most of all, DANCING.

First came the fem-cakes....

Then came the dancing! Very brave
Linguistics MA student Petya got everyone
up and belly-dancing...
...then we were wowed by some seriously hot rumba
Oh-so-sadly, I didn't get any pictures of my dodgy shape-throwing to share with you. Consider this my Valentine's gift to each of you.

What I did turn my hand to though, and I will nervously share, is a few thoughts on that huge, great, pink elephant in the collective room at the moment - say it quietly - feminism. People (not just women) seem to be embracing it and abandoning it in equal measure at the moment, with both apathy and a LOT of 'pathy going around. So here's my attempt to get my head round it.

What is feminism?

It has no code, no doctrine
No great (or Greer) leader
It has no secret handshakes
No uniform - dungarees NOT excepted - 
Not even a gender restriction.

If you don't want to be a feminIST
or associate with decades of tired, conflicting baggage

Be a femophile
Like women, love women
Learn all about them and try to speak to them in their language

Be a fem-fan
Support women, cheer them on,
Elevate them to a higher league and rejoice in their successes as if they were your own

Be a Femian, a Femlim, a Femdu, or a Few
Believe in women, have faith in them
Trust them with your earthly happiness

And maybe you'll find
You too
Are a feminist after all.

A work in progress. In all senses.

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