
Friday, 2 September 2011

Thing 20: Prezis...and it's not even my birthday!

I was so interested in this Thing that I'd actually made my very first Prezi just last week (I might not yet have caught up with myself, but I'm also ahead of myself...does that make me Doctor Who?) It took a bit longer than the average .ppt would to put together, but to be fair, I'd never used it before! I was a good little librarian this time, taking my time to watch all the "how to" prezis, and the software, which is not exactly intuitive, does become easier to use the longer you play.
Gratuitous picture of the supremely gorgeous Tenth Doctor,
à la Library Wanderer. He would have been a Prezi user, too.
Photo from Needless Things blog

So without more ado, here is my very first effort, on the stunningly exciting topic of the in-house classification system we use at Classics:


  1. Excellent photo! The Prezi is also very good but the photo made my day!

  2. Wow! I really like the Prezi. It works really well with photos.

  3. Thanks very much guys! I really would recommend Prezi - if you watch all the videos first, it's pretty easy to use, and offers much more freedom than Powerpoint.
